Top 3 Reasons Your Business Should Consider Using Bollards

Date Posted:30 August 2024 

Traffic bollards are an essential everyday security and safety asset. They play a key role in saving lives and protecting infrastructure and businesses. While some bollards are designed as a guide for traffic, others enhance safety by providing additional lighting. Retractable bollards can control site access at specific times, while steel bollards can offer additional security against unsafe driving. 

They are a planning tool that allows businesses to manage how people, whether on foot or behind the wheel, operate in their business space. Parking bollards are used in various settings, including schools, petrol stations, government buildings, embassies, banks, stadiums, warehouses, and retailers. They can be used to slow speeding vehicles, establish parking restrictions, block access, control traffic, illuminate dark areas, set clear paths for travel, and prevent ram raids. 

Bollards come in various materials, providing security whether installed inside or out. Parking bollards are built to withstand the force of a collision but are designed to limit access. This can deter robberies, prevent collisions with pedestrians, and of course, save you money. 

1. Enhanced Security 

Safety and security are the major reasons for installing bollards. They offer safeguarding to sensitive areas, whether it's a public event, stadium, or government building that requires additional protection from potential threats. 

If there are landmarks or historical monuments in need of protection from passing traffic, bollards can be installed to prevent accidents. 

You can use bollards to prevent vehicles from mounting the pavement or curb, limiting the risk to passing pedestrians. This is particularly important in urban areas where vehicles and pedestrians share space. 

Stainless steel bollards can also be a theft deterrent, slowing down any attempt to escape. You can use bollards to limit access to specific areas, whether it's for safety or security. 

There are several reasons you should consider installing car park bollards, but before you settle on which option is right for you, it's worth answering a few questions. Consider why your property requires security, what type of security you need, and what major threats your property faces. 

2. Traffic Management 

A safety bollard will define lanes, guide vehicles, and ease congestion to improve traffic management. They provide a clear boundary to create a safe space for drivers and pedestrians. Additionally, they serve as a visual cue, encouraging drivers to slow down in car parks. They're also often used for this purpose near schools and in residential areas. 

If you want to control foot flow, plastic bollards are a useful tool, whether you're trying to direct customers to take a specific path in or out of your business. Strategically positioned bollards can protect dedicated lanes to allow easy movement for pedestrians and cyclists. It's also important for a safe path to be created for parents with prams and people using mobility aids. So, you can use bollards to accommodate a diversity of needs, ensuring that pedestrian paths are accessible to everyone. 

3. Branding Opportunities and Aesthetics 

If you're worried about compromising your aesthetic or damaging your brand, bollards can be designed to match your environment.  While some people content themselves with concrete wheel stops, you can opt for a bollard that's brightly coloured or fits in with the aesthetic theme of your business. Alternatively, you can produce covers that wrap around bollards, which provides you with an advertising opportunity that you can update as often as you like. 

Bollards are used across a range of industries and you can use retractable bollards for restricted zones or event spaces, fixed bollards around government buildings, telescopic bollards for access control, and flexible bollards for traffic control. There are even lighted bollards that enhance security and visibility. Custom bollards can be designed to enforce your brand or enhance the visual appeal of the property. 

If you don't have security concerns but do want to increase safety, you may find wheel stoppers a sufficient solution for car parking management. Whether you invest in rubber wheel stops or concrete, they can increase safety for pedestrians and infrastructure. 

Final Thoughts 

Bollards are a versatile element; useful in managing traffic speed and slow, safeguarding buildings and equipment, increasing security, deterring theft, and enhancing the safety of everyone in the surrounding areas. They can play an important role in safety and security, whether you operate a car park in a busy business district or operate a warehouse with a steady stream of deliveries and customer traffic. 

As foot and vehicle traffic increases, the importance of bollards grows. So, strategic deployment is a necessary strategy moving forward as you ensure a safe, secure, and accessible environment for everyone. 

If you're looking for a practical solution to various problems, bollards are a good answer for security, safety, and design. At Safehub, there is a selection of bollards to choose from, as well as a wide range of premium safety solutions.