How To Use Bollards to Increase Road Safety for Pedestrians

Date Posted:5 November 2024 

Bollards do more than simply protect property and assets, with the right installation, you can use bollards to increase road safety for pedestrians – here's how.

Safety bollards reduce the risk of vehicle-borne threats, whether criminal, terroristic, or accidental. They can be used to increase road safety for pedestrians, whether it's on long stretches of road or around a building where there's heavy foot and vehicle traffic. 

When installing car park bollards, you should take a holistic approach to planning to ensure you achieve the appropriate level of pedestrian protection while minimising a negative impact on their movement or vehicle traffic. With that in mind, let's discuss how you can use bollards to increase road safety for pedestrians. 

Stainless Steel Bollards Sydney 

Bollards are sturdy and versatile, so strategically placing them to designate pedestrian areas is a safe bet. You can use surface mount bollards to create safe walkways, reducing the risk of vehicle intrusions. Whether you use parking bollards in public squares, at crosswalks, around the car park or along sidewalks, they're designed to improve safety for everyone, but pedestrians in particular. 

In addition to providing a barrier between pedestrians and vehicles, inground bollards also serve as a visual guide. This is useful for both pedestrians and drivers as they navigate the space safely. Bollards are useful for calming traffic by slowing vehicles down as they enter pedestrian-heavy areas, but when illuminated, they can also improve visibility. 

Bollards come in different styles, in addition to surface mount and inground, you can also purchase plastic bollards, flexible bollards, removable bollards, and retractable bollards. Each has its own purpose. A removable bollard is ideal for events or granting entry to service vehicles. Essentially, they're suitable for managing occasional traffic flow. A retractable bollard is typically found in security-sensitive zones or for occasional traffic flow. Plastic bollards are often used for roadworks or other temporary situations. 

In the case of permanent road safety measures, a fixed bollard is the most appropriate option. These are usually stainless steel, installed with long-term protection in mind. 

Increasing Road Safety 

There are several ways bollards contribute to safer roads for pedestrians. The first is that they separate spaces. They are a clear signal that there are two separate zones, one for pedestrians and another for vehicles. The presence of bollards prevents accidental or intentional vehicle intrusions so pedestrians can walk safely. Likewise, these bollards can manage vehicle speed, forcing drivers to slow down and navigate the area more carefully. 

They serve as a visual marker for everyone who enters the area, whether on foot or by car. They provide clarity about where vehicles can and can't enter which reduces confusion and makes the area safer. In addition, they can be useful in guiding pedestrian flow, whether at a busy intersection to ensure pedestrians cross at the correct spot or to ensure they take the path you designed for pedestrians. 

One of the most critical factors in ensuring pedestrian safety is visibility; using reflective tape on traffic bollards to increase visibility in low light or bad weather can prove useful. 

The Benefits of Bollards 

The bollard's primary purpose is to separate vehicles and pedestrians with clarity. However, their benefits go much further. You can use bollards to improve traffic management and organisation to guide vehicles, encourage safer vehicle operation, prevent vehicle intrusions, prevent accidents, and improve security. 

Beyond their functional benefits, bollards can also enhance your property's aesthetic appeal. They can blend seamlessly with the rest of the area while still standing out to pedestrians and vehicles. 

Many businesses opt for decorative covers to advertise products and services or as ad space for other companies. They still provide the same safety features and benefits but have the added value of marketing. Additionally, bollards are versatile, so they can be used across a variety of settings to manage traffic, protect pedestrians, and enhance overall safety. 

Whether you install bollards on sidewalks, in public parks, car parks, or at pedestrian crossings, they provide you with the flexibility you need to enhance safety. Many businesses take bollard use a step further, installing additional bollards to create cycling lanes to further segregate pedestrians and vehicles. 

Finally, bollards are durable; they require very little ongoing maintenance and can withstand vehicle impact and inclement weather. Don't forget to consider accessibility considerations; your installation plan must consider appropriately sized pathways for everyone without compromising anyone's safety. 

SafeHub: Safety Shop Near Me 

Safety is paramount and in addition to bollards for parking, you can use a combination of concrete or rubber wheel stops, traffic cones, safety signs, convex mirrors, and speed bumps to cover all your bases. Speed bumps will help you reduce speed in a car park or a work zone while rubber or concrete wheel stops can create clear parking spaces. 

SafeHub stocks a variety of bollards for sale, and can also provide you with the road signs, wheel stoppers, and any other high-quality safety and protection solutions you need to ensure safety on your property.

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